Meet a Cow Monday - Bruce

Meet Bruce! This stud is a half Wagyu half red Devon bull who is a smoke show and a half if you ask me. With his aggressive eye brows and confident frame he turns heads wherever he goes. With a calm yet motivated attitude Bruce is the complete package, what a guy.

Bruce is the last of the bulls to be let out with a group of girls this year while we are doing some last minute sorting to get a breeding groups as well as a group of gals that we are going to artificially inseminate sorted. As you can see in the video the ladies come and visit him through the fence often (Mr. Popular.)

Bruce was born on our ranch and has become a close knit part of the herd, we all love Bruce.


We are fortunate to have such a high-caliber and unique beef available locally


I have never seen or experienced a steak of this quality.