Meet a Cow Monday - Cindy

Meet Cindy, this little gal is one of our young heifers that will be joining the herd next breeding season. Yearling heifers are know to be pretty wild and a bit temperamental, but not Cindy! Wow she’s a sweetheart.

I was able grab a few photos of her and dad bonding over a bucket of treats the other day while we were moving animals from one pen to another. As you can see clearly in the pictures sparks were flying between those two. I have a good feeling that dad and Cindy are starting a friendship that will last for years to come. We have a good group of heifers that we cannot wait to see grow up and join the herd. Many of them, just like Cindy, have fantastic physical and temperamental characteristics.


Well worth the higher price for the taste, quality and knowing where the meat came from and the people who care for the animals.


THE best steak I have ever eaten.