Meet a Cow Monday - KW35

Meet KW35, normally young heifers who have not had a calf yet are wild and crazy, they don’t know us and are a bit flighty by nature. However, every now me then we get a special heifer that falls in love with ya. I’d say KW35 is one of those special gals. Whenever I get to the field she walks right over and gets to sniffing and liking my clothes (or sometimes my hair if I’m sitting down lol).

It’s pretty fun, when a group of cows that are a mix of ages are in a pasture together it seems like the young heifers always stick together. Kinda like the group of new kids in highschool hanging out together until they meet everyone. Clearly KW35 is the outgoing one in that group of new kids and seems hell bent on making friends. I can’t pet her yet but we’re getting closer to that, I also still don’t have a name for her but she’ll definitely get one soon!


He even invited us out to his ranch to meet the herd and see the operation, my toddler loved it!


We Moved the Ladies Out to Pasture