Meet Norman

Meet our buddy Norman. Norman is one of our former bottle calves from this year that we had the pleasure of raising. From day one Norman has been a sweet gentle boy, as long as he always had food in front of him. When he was a youngster, this hungry man made it a habit to scream his head off if we were 15 minutes or more off schedule for his morning or evening bottle.

Norman fully understands his self-worth and will not tolerate getting his milk even slightly off of his internal hunger schedule. He has now graduated from the calf pen and is weaned off of milk and is on a fully solid food diet consisting of hays, flax meal for protein, and some corn for added energy. If Norman was to have a hobby it would be dust baths or other natural cosmetic practices. He is constantly licking himself making sure his hair is in top shape, and approaches you with a polite (but obviously practiced) Moo. This man is a stunner and knows it.

Norman is now with all the other weened calves from last season growing and living his best life among friends. He has kept his eye on the prize however and makes sure to stay a bit vocal in his complaints if we are late to morning or evening feedings. His style has also not taken a day off, this man is first to the straw whenever we put down new bedding and I have seen him being licked and groomed by his roommates on multiple occasions. Truly a man with an eye for luxury. Norman is quite the character, and we sure love him for it.


2025 So Far!


Dad's Legit Sirloin Tip Carne Asada