We Moved From West Seattle to the Country

My father was born and raised in Seattle and loved it, but like many he saw it go from a beautiful city to overcrowded. So in the summer of 2004 my father and I took our first road trip in search of a piece of property so we could stretch our legs, we didn’t find our dream ranch on that trip. So, he and I would take 2-4 road trips a year to random small towns in the PNW in search of our dream ranch. After 6 years of looking and visiting what seemed like every town in Washington, northern Idaho, Oregon and Wyoming we found our spot!

We originally found our ranch in the internet, we returned from one of our road trips unsuccessful yet again and decided to look up property for sale in Washington and saw a breathtaking photo similar to the first picture in this post. It looked great so we visited the area, talked to a realtor but they said “the owners hard to deal with, I’ll find you a ranch” (and then never called back) so we looked for it on our own but couldn’t find the property. 2 years went by, dad and I kept up our road trips but loved the Palouse and the area, so one day my dad had the idea of running an add in the local paper saying “wanted large family farm with timber, live water, and pastureland make a good neighbor.” About a month after having the add in the paper a guy called my dad and said I think I’ve got your ranch and gave him the website… this is where it gets crazy, it was the same property we went looking for 2 years prior! (Meant to be if you ask me)

Dad pulled me out of school and we got in the truck the and headed to Eastern Washington to meet the owner, after about 2 hours on the ranch we said we would take it! That was back in 2010, moved here August 10th of 2012 into an 1891 farm house that needed a lot of work and started loving the country life.

Then we got a few cows and boy did that get things going! I’ll make another post about the cows, there isn’t enough room to right all that here and I couldn’t leave details out of our journey to the ranch!


Do yourself a favor and order a whole cow from Richard and his family!