Our Products

Ground Beef 10-LB Package

Buy in bulk and save with our Wagyu Ground Beef Bag. Perfect for the burger, meatball or meatloaf lover. You’ll receive 10 pounds of ground beef consisting of three grind options: fine, medium, & coarse.

Executive Gift 5-LB Package

This package is the embodiment of luxury and distinction, perfect for corporate gifts, business partners, and esteemed colleagues. When you want to make a statement of appreciation, there’s no better choice.

Rancher's Choice 10-LB Package

The Rancher’s Choice 10-lb package contains an assortment of sub primal cuts and grind of PRPB Wagyu beef hand-picked by Richard, founder of Palouse River Beef.

Corporate Gift 5-LB Package

Hand-selected for their exceptional quality, this selection of cuts is tailored for those who truly appreciate the art of grilling.

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